Questions & Answers

Red ligt not flsh

0 votes
I have installed avoall and have used the REV scheme: 20171221 and verified all connections 1 When I set up the machine the red color is fixed at the start 2 Do not start the vehicle if the key is in the coil Do I have to return it I got the settings evoall by Flash Link Updater 2 and what are the correct settings ?
asked Apr 4, 2018 in Toyota by Rajee Aljunidi (180 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

Looking up the service number, there's something not right with the datalink and options.


Please do the following. 


Once that is done, I dont know which remote starter is being used, but be sure to set the proper datalink protocol, options F1,F2 or F3 in the EVO-ALL, and whatever option it is in the remote starter. They must match.


Then attempt to reprogram the unit.

answered Apr 5, 2018 by Robert T (303,700 points)

remote starter is being used crime stopper RS00-G5

I have done all that you have said to me

View and check datalink and options

Now the red color is flashing but the key does not respond when you start
0 votes
When you let go on red and plug in all connectors and turn the key on what does the red light do?


This is for a 2012 fj cruiser G-Key correct?
answered Apr 4, 2018 by derek g (357,580 points)
Hi Yes 2012 fj cruiser 2012 g-key Red light Nothing changes after ignition start It stays constant without any change