Questions & Answers

Why won't my chrt5 program to mt fob?

0 votes
Isn't the chrt5 supposed to be pre-prammed? The red, amber and blue lights cycle continuously. The blue light never goes solid blue even though I've held the button while plugging in the black plug for several minutes and retried several times.

I've tried it with the key not in the ignition. I've tried it with the key in the ignition. I've tried it with the key off. I've tried it with the key on.

The only way I didn't try it was with the vehicle started.

I purchased this device because it was supposed to be specific to Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep and pre-programmed.

If I don't receive a quick response, the item is being returned.
asked Nov 17, 2017 in Jeep by Don Beaulieu (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
When the units leave the factory they are not "pre programmed" Also you need to program it in your vehicle it is impossible to have it pre programmed to your car as all cars have a unique transponder code.

Once programmed in your vehicle and as long as it is flashed and configured to do so, it will start your vehicle with lock 3x.
answered Nov 17, 2017 by derek g (357,580 points)
I'm completely aware that the device needs to be programmed in my car to work with my key fob. So, are you saying that I also have to buy one of your programming devices?
Could very well be, what happens to the led's on the module if you ground the wire on the 20 pin connector?
I'll have to get back to you on that because I got frustrated and put everything back together without the device. What should it do and what should I be looking for if I do that?