Questions & Answers

key wrapping for evo ALL for 2003 VW BEETLE

0 votes
I am looking for a diagram or information on key wrapping for my 2003 vw bettle with EVO ALL system. My activation code expired even though it says once I use it the vehicle information will stay in my account. Can't find my vehicles anywhere.
asked Jan 6, 2017 in Volkswagen by Tammi Flannery (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

This is how you do the key wrap.

answered Jan 6, 2017 by derek g (357,470 points)
This is a flip key install. Does the wire wrap around the plastic part of the key? and not the actual part that would go into the ignition?
You want to wrap it on the plastic part as close to the button that opens the key as possible as this is where the transponder is.
I found an even better way were you wont need an external relay...check out this guide:
I have tried purchasing a one time subscription to obtain the wire color diagram for my vehicle since none of my codes are working. That is also unsuccessful. Can you recommend how to get this done?
With the method shown in this link, does the Evo all connect to the Evo One and then to the vehicle?