Questions & Answers

how do i transfer Evo start 2 to new owner ?

0 votes
new owner has tried with the activation code and getting an error message.
asked Sep 18, 2024 in FAQ by manoj Pai (130 points)

1 Answer

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If you have the original activation code (9 digit alpha numeric code) you provide that to the new owner.

You will then log into the app on your account, click the 3 lines in the upper left conrner, click garage.

There you will see your vehicle, swipe left on the vehicle and delete it, this will release the activation code for the new owner.

The activation code can be found on the booklet that came with it or often times on the antenna itself in the vehicle.


If you do not have the activation code you can repeat the same steps, except for instead of clicking delete, click edit.

There you will see an option to transfer the vehicle. This will generate a new code, keep in mind this code will expire within 48 hours i believe.


Best regards.
answered Sep 18, 2024 by derek g (357,930 points)