Questions & Answers

Is there a Silent start option?

0 votes
Is there a silent start option (no horn honks). I have a 2010 Ford Focus. Currently press lock button 3X to start. I do have parking lights wired up and would rather just see them flash instead of the horn honking. Product purchased - Box says EVO-RS, white label on box says EVO-FORT4. Thanks for your help!
posté Nov 14, 2020 dans la catégorie Ford par Phillip Hostetter (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Horn honking on lock press is a factory feature on the car itself. All vehicles will typically honk the horn starting at the 2nd lock press. Verifiy in your owners manual if there is a way to shut it off.


You can also just enable Lock-Unlock-Lock to remote start, intead of 3xlock. Sinc you will not have more than 1 consecutive lock press, the horn shouldnt honk.
répondu Nov 14, 2020 par Robert T (304,010 points)