Questions & Answers

evo one car starts then shuts down

0 votes
2017 sonata regular key, no ems

when programming the blue light flashes but red stays on also, i have to uncheck option A3 in unit options as advised earlier.... do i need the programmer for this?

also car starts with 3x oem remote then shuts down and flashes parking lights 3 times, is this related, thanks
posté Oct 11, 2018 dans la catégorie Hyundai par rich soler (560 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Are you sure your vehice does NOT have a chipped key?? EMS COM is the immobilizer bypass.
répondu Oct 11, 2018 par Robert T (304,010 points)
I'm not sure, but I don't have the blue brown wire at connector 1a, -ems com in the kickpanel,,therefore I was using the programming for non blue wire
Take your key and wrap the head with tin foil and try starting the car with the key. If the car starts then you don't have an immobilizer.
Thanks,...i have an incorrect wiring connection...will post result when I repair and reprogram,,thx again
Working, wiring was wrong