Questions & Answers

Oem key fobs dont work now, need help. 2016 impreza evo one

0 votes
I've triple checked the wiring. Done the programming dcryption, master resets, and firmware updates. Enabled 38.2 c1 and d5. The car will start with key but no remote access.
posté Fev 6, 2017 dans la catégorie Subaru par Heath Ekin (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Verify the connection of the doorlock data wire, it's probably wrong.

Could also be caused by a blown fuse during installation.
répondu Fev 6, 2017 par Heath Ekin (85,210 points)
The wiring is correct. I just checked it a 4th time. No fuses are blown. What else could be wrong?
The wiring diagram is incorrect. The light blue wire goes with the white/green wire, not the white/red wire.
It all depends if you put the white/green on the connector side of the cut or not. The important part is that the light blue must be facing towards the BCM.
The light blue is pictured on the car side not the connector side. I had to put the light blue wire on the connector side. Therefore the diagram is incorrect.
What guide number are you looking at ?
I've run into an issue with my doorlock data on a 2016 Impreza as well.  After the vehicle is remote started, the doors do not lock or unlock with the aftermarket RF fob.  I've also checked my wiring and my Light Blue (A20) and White/Red (D6) go to the connector side of the cut and the White/Green goes to the car side of the cut, as the guide 57211 shows.  


I'm working with support through E-Mail on this issue, but has anybody confirmed what the wire colors should be?  Is the Guide data correct, or should the Light Blue go to the White/Green, as another poster suggested?