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2013 Ford Explorer EVO-All Randomly Unlocks Doors by itself

0 votes
Sometimes when I lock the my Explorer either via the door button or via the OEM remote, when I come back to the car it is unlocked.  I've also noticed that when I unlock just the drivers door (1 unlock press on OEM remote and sit with the door open after a minute or 2 the other doors unlock by themselves.

This is undesired behavior as unlocked doors are an open invitation for criminals to help themselves to property in my car that I want to stay locked.


Fortin Evo-ALL with the T-harness

The following options are ON, the rest are OFF

A1-A11, B1, C1, D1, D1.1, D1.6
posté Fev 24, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Elliott Harrington (150 points)

1 Réponse

+3 votes

Your settings are all good.


Here's some things to look at:

- The evo cannot unlock or lock the vehicle unless the connections are actually wired. If you have the door locks connections wired, remove them, they are not needed in a 3x lock start install using the oem remote. Test it out after removing these connections. 


- If you actually dont have door lock-unlock connections wired, then the vehicle is unlocking itself. - The vehicles owners manual, Page 119 an on, mentions that if the car is locked but a key is then detected, the vehicle will unlock itself. If this is the case, the remote start is either on (yu would know by the leds on top of the evo) or there is a little connection issue. 


- (A13) yellow/black wire from the evo-all 20-pin connector should not be connected anywhere.


- yellow wire hanging out the t-harness should not be connected anywhere. Since not used, the end of the wire needs to be covered up.


- All unused wiring needs to be isolated, taped up


- Driver door pin connection. (A17) and (A18) should not be reversed, and ideally the wire they are connected to was tested prehand. There's a bunch of green/purple wires in Fords. 


- Parking lights. If connected, remove connection then test it out. 



répondu Fev 24, 2016 par Robert T (299,650 points)
Thanks for the reply.  I do have the Lock and Unlock connections wired.  The directions said to wire them up. So I did.  I'll disconnect them.

Could you clarify the A17 & A18 connections?  I have them wired to the green purple wire that the instructions state on the 26-pin BCM connector.  The instructions say to cut something (kind of confusing)?  Right now I have both A17 and A18 tapped to the same wire.  I have tried disconnecting A17 and only had A18 connected.  Didn't notice anythign different.  Am I supposed to connect A18 to one side of the wire, cut the wire and connect A17 to the other side?


Other than that remote start works fine.


Thanks Again.
The lock-unlock connections are only needed if using aftermarket remotes so that the user can control lock-unlock via an aftermarket remote.

The driver door pin connection is a little tricky and an understanding of the vehicles (actually all Fords) driver door triggers helps a lot. i cannot go into that but... The instructions are saying to, cut the vehicles door trigger wire. Once that wire is cut, you will be left with 2 bare ends, connector side and vehicle side. Connection A18 needs to go connector side, connection A17 needs to go vehicle side.

---- > This connection is basically used to replicate opening a door after shutting off the car so the radio can shut off.
Hi, sorry for revisiting an old thread but I have a very similar issue and have an additional question. I have a 2015 explorer with EVO_All and T-harness. Remote start works great. Similar to Robert T, my vehicle unlocks but in my case only after using the lock button on the driver's side door. If I use the remote to lock or the external keypad, everything works fine. When I use the button, it locks but then unlocks after a few seconds. During that period the convenience lights and dash lights are on. Does this behavior narrow down the probable cause posted in Elliott's notes? If not, I'll follow his advice to Robert T but wanted to share my additional details first. Thanks in advance.
This sounds like would be related to the driver door pin connections.

The vehicles door pin wire needs to be cut.

You are left with 2 ends, connector side and vehicle side.

The EVOs A17 needs to be connected to one side (vehicle side) of that wire and A18 needs to be connected to the other side (connector side).
Thanks for the response! I did my install a few years ago and I think that's what I did but I'll check.