Questions & Answers

Fortin RF642W compatible with current version EVO-ALL

+1 vote

I have an EVO-ALL on order with the Flsh Link 2. I need an RF remote (2-way), but I cannot find one that list comaptiiblity with the EVO-ALL. I cannot find any info on if the Fortin RF642W will work with it. This will be instlled on a 2013 Lexus 450H (Hybrid). Any recommendation for an RF remote for the EVO-ALL would be much appreciated.
posté Dec 2, 2015 dans la catégorie FAQ par Rick Ziller (170 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote

This is the guide for the FTX64-2W in conjunction with the Evo-All

All the compatible RF Kits and guides can be found here

These are right on the home page of under compatible RF Kits.

It Is indeed compatible. Follow the guide and you will have no issues with them :)

répondu Dec 2, 2015 par derek g (357,530 points)
Ah!  I had no idea the FTX64-2W and the RF642W were the same parts. Is that what your are saying? I can then combine the current EVO-ALL and the RF642W with no issues on a hybrid push-start vehicle?


thanks again!
yes its the same. Follow the guide and it will work for you no issues.
+1 vote
you might also want to usre the RFA2A adapter.  it will plug into the evo,t-harness and antenna so you dont have to solder.
répondu Dec 2, 2015 par Brent Graber (310 points)