Questions & Answers

Options enabled for my EVO-ALL?

+1 vote
Could you please list down the options enabled for my EVO-All?

I tried the firmware update history tool, but it does not list any options.

Thank you!
posté Juil 13, 2015 dans la catégorie Ford par Dinesh Koya (780 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
You do not see any options because the options menu was never opened via the Flash-Link.
répondu Juil 13, 2015 par Robert T (304,010 points)
élue Juil 15, 2015 par Dinesh Koya
Thank you!

This means the EVO-ALL has defaults enabled. How do I know which options are enabled by default?

Correct, this means only the default options are enabled (options A1-A11). These are basic options when in installing the unit with a separate remote starter.


Here's an example if you would like to see what the options A1-A11 are. It's basically the settings for what the EVO-ALL controls through Can-Bus.



Super! was looking for this one...thank you :)