Questions & Answers

E400-C - Turn OFF the engine when the door is open

+1 vote


On a new Mazda 3 (automatic transmission) when I use the E400-C to start the engine, after any door or trunk is opened, the engine shutdown. I tried to use the unlock button first then open the door but same result.

How can I change this? I need the engine to continue to run when I enter the car or open the trunk.

Thank you.
posté Fev 13, 2015 dans la catégorie Mazda par Julian H (190 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
What year is your mazda? if it's a newer push to start (2014-2015) then there is no takeover available
répondu Fev 14, 2015 par Adam Pepin (10,150 points)
élue Fev 16, 2015 par Robert T
indeed is a newer push to start (2014-2015).

I do not really get your answer. what do you mean by no takeover available?
the vehicle will shut down when the door is opened.
is there any reason for this? why would I use a remote starter if the engine will stop when for example i feed the trunk with bags and expect the car to be heated when I finish?

I spoke with teh insurance company and they have smiled, their first question was: what is the point to have a remote starter?

the vehicle is started using the same configuration/codes as a factory starter, so, same as the factory starter, the vehicle will shut down when you open a door. This has to do with Can configuration and the transponder codes being used. There is no way around it. It is also nothing new that some vehicles with a push-to-start ignition system will not have key take-over.


If you want take-over (have the vehicle stay running when you open a door), you need to use the old configuration which actually requires that you sacrifice a key for the installation. The installation guide can be found here :


I spoke with teh insurance company and they have smiled, their first question was: what is the point to have a remote starter?

What's the point of insurance if i will never get in an accident? If you want advice on remote starters, I'd recommend visiting a local remote starter retailer / installer.

Thank you. Your response is well appreciated and useful... (maybe except the question about what is the point of insurance, but that can just be ignored.)

One last question, about the solution described for the take over:

once we apply that solution, I just need to be sure, if the car is started with the remote starter, when the doors are locked, untill the dorrs are unlocked (using key fob, remote of teh remote starter, or other secure way to unlock) then the doors could not be open. is this assumption correct?

Takeover = remote start the vehicle, unlock doors, open door, get in, drive away. If doors are not unlocked by either oem remotes or aftermarket remotes, the vehicle will shut down when a door is opened. (since technically this means someone broke into your car)


no takeover = remote start vehicle, unlock doors, open door, vehicle shuts down.



Thank you!
No problem