Questions & Answers

Simplest bypass module to install?

+1 vote

Thanks for your answer. Between the EVO-ALL, EVO-RIDE and KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL, is one simpler to install in a 2007 Prius?

asociée à une réponse pour: What do I need to remote start a 2007 Prius?
posté Fev 4, 2014 dans la catégorie Toyota par anonyme

1 Réponse

0 votes

They are all exactly  the same installation.

The EVO-Ride hw3 is a newer product and because of this, vehicles older than 5 years old have not yet been tested but since it's a combonition of the older EVO-RIDE and a KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL it's supposed to work.


Personally i'd take the key-override-all.

KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL & Toyota Prius - Smart-Key (2004-2009) - Revision b


Note: I just want to warn you that you may need to change the firmware on the bypass unit after you have installed it. This is specific to the type of installation you would be doing. Changing the firmware can only be done using the Flash-Link manager.


répondu Fev 4, 2014 par Robert T (299,650 points)