Questions & Answers

TB-VW where to buy in Mississauga ON??

0 votes
1- looking to get TB-VW for compleet installation in my 2013 Passat TDI, to save the key

2- want to have both - smart start and phisical transmitters(rf642W) is it possible? or only one type of control available at a time?

thanks, Mykola
asked Nov 8, 2016 in Volkswagen by Mykola Dudutse (250 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
look up Ultra Auto Sound!
answered Nov 10, 2016 by steve capitao (600 points)
thanks steve!
0 votes
tb-vw does work on that car. List of supported vehicles can be found here:

Can't do both smart start and rf, gonna have to be one or the other.

In regards to purchasing, you need to contact your distributor.
answered Nov 8, 2016 by derek g (357,530 points)
Even if I will use A2A cable adaptor?
One or the other not both.

RF kit uses Fortin protocol.

smart start uses dei protocol.

Can't turn both on at same time...Even if you could the module probably wouldn't be to happy.
I don't want to turn both at same time, I want to connect both of them. To use smart start daily, as I live in GTA and use Rf when I travel and out of the smart start coverage

it possible or no?
One or the other not both.