Questions & Answers

Module reset, Flash limit reset and have reached limit

0 votes
Good morning, Can you please kindly reset my device. Service # 001A06 662524   Thank you waiting to hear from you soon. Danny.
asked Aug 29, 2022 in Ford by Dany Bell (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
flash limit has been reset, please stop flashing the module non stop. There are not dcryptor events logged in this module's history.
answered Aug 29, 2022 by J M (64,060 points)
Thank you. Are you saying that you have reset flash limit on my module?

Do I need to log in on Dcryptor on my module? If yes, how do I do it.

Also, what are the step I need to take to update my module to current firmware?

 Thank you while waiting for your kind response.
