Questions & Answers

voltage issue

0 votes
I have a 2012 Caravan and when it gets cold out the remote start does not work,it just clicks like a dead battery would but it will start with the key without a problem. I bought this system prewired for the vehicle along with the Linkr-Lt1 module. It was advertised as a plug and play setup and it was. Any suggestions?
asked Nov 21, 2020 in Dodge by LAWRENCE Tomovich (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the S/N to the module?


Where was the unit purchased?
answered Nov 23, 2020 by derek g (358,230 points)
003606 012609 , i hadthe battery load tested and it was the problem. It was dropping too low for the this product but still started the car fine. I have the firmware update tool and i checked the firmware and it needed to be updated. I did it and now it wont even try to start with the 3x lock but it still starts through the Linkr.
Its not working with 3xl because you updated it and forgot to enable an option.

Plug the unit back in, go down the list to option D1. Click on it to expand it and turn on optin D1.10. Click save options, then plug it back into the vehicle and test.