Questions & Answers

After remote start can press brake and drive vehicle for remote start run time without key

+2 votes
2013 Audi q5 with Keyport and no push to start Evo all module with t harness. Works flawlessly otherwise latest firmware is 60.08 but install guide says 60.02. I assume it's just a matter of pulling the module back out and selecting an option I just don't know which one.
asked Jan 13, 2020 in Audi by Sean (750 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
If it is working flawlessly don't change anyhthing. Leave it as is.
answered Jan 13, 2020 by derek g (358,230 points)
I would like it to shut off when pressing the brake if the key has not taken over yet. ie put into the key port
That won;t happen seeing as the vehicle does take over once you press unlock.


You could however set it to shut down everytime you open the door. Thats option D3.
0 votes
Was a solution found for this? Same issue in my a5, why won't it turn off??
answered Dec 17, 2020 by Michael Lamanna (160 points)