Questions & Answers

2015 Ford Explorer heated seats and rear defrost

0 votes
I have the evo all installed in my 2015 explorer ( non push start) as a stand alone unit. 3x push remote start works perfectly. I enabled the rear defrost and Heated seats when I flashed the unit . They don't seem to come on. Curious at what  temp this would occur? It was 33 out today. Or... Is there additional wiring or  something I need to enable in the vehicle?

( additionally, i can not remember if i enabled options A5 & A6.   If i i had enabled them, would this cause it not to work?  )
asked Nov 13, 2016 in Ford by Steven Wooke (210 points)
edited Nov 14, 2016 by Steven Wooke

1 Answer

0 votes
Heated seats and rear defrost are not functions support through can.
If you look at page one of the installation guide it will show you the supported features.
answered Nov 14, 2016 by derek g (336,040 points)
Is there a way to get these features ?