Questions & Answers

2016 F250 with T-Harness, your instructions show 15 wires, is that correct with the harness?

0 votes
I have my 2016 F-250 XL Crewcab, 6.2L Gas, normal round key (have 2 of them).  I have the EVO-FORT1 w/T-Harness and the Flash-Link adapter.  Your wiring instructions look like they are for the EVO without the T-Harness, is that correct, or do I need to connect all of those wires PLUS the harness?
asked Apr 6, 2016 in Ford by Richard Kalsky (200 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

This is the stand alone guide for your truck.

Mandatory connections are as follows:

1- Can Hi/Lo

2- 3 loose wires in the T-Harness to corresponding wires on the 20 pin connector

Optional connection:

-Parking lights

-Drivers Door Pin wire (for rap control and re arm)

-Lock and Unlock are only needed when using an RF kit. If using oem remote to start the truck these are not needed.

-Hood pin If installed

answered Apr 6, 2016 by derek g (357,580 points)
selected Apr 26, 2016 by derek g
#1, it's 2 wires on the OBD pin 3 (gray/orange) and 11 (violet/orange) for C3 and C4 respectively?  These are the only 2 wires to connect/splice to the car for minimal install

#2, Yellow/Black to A1, Light Blue to A20, and Light Blue/Black to A10  (so nothing in the car iteself)

For the optional

Parking lights would need an additional relay?

Drivers door (I have RAP) what do I need to connect and what do I cut?  Do I actually cut the green violet wire and connect A18 to the end for adapter and A17 to the hanging wire?

#1, it's 2 wires on the OBD pin 3 (gray/orange) and 11 (violet/orange) for C3 and C4 respectively?  These are the only 2 wires to connect/splice to the car for minimal install


#2, Yellow/Black to A1, Light Blue to A20, and Light Blue/Black to A10  (so nothing in the car iteself)


Parking lights would need an additional relay?

-YES, wire from module is negative wire in vehicle is positive, Relay required.

Drivers door (I have RAP) what do I need to connect and what do I cut?  Do I actually cut the green violet wire and connect A18 to the end for adapter and A17 to the hanging wire?

-YES, cut the wire in the vehicle connect as shown.
