Questions & Answers

2022 Mazda CX5 Evo One + THAR-ONE-MAZ3 + RF 942 kit unable to open hatch with 942 remote

0 votes
Unable to open hatch with the 942 remote trunk release button.  Everything else is working fine.  Is there a solution?

2022 Mazda CX5 Automatic Transmission
asked Aug 23 in Mazda by David Fisher (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

That is normal as trunk or hatch release through data is not a listed supported feature for the vehicle:


You could hardwire the AUX output to the button on the dash I'm sure.


On the evo-one the Auxiliair output is the yellow/black on the 20 pin connector.


Best regards.
answered Aug 23 by derek g (336,040 points)