Questions & Answers

Evo-one & Evostart2 for 2022 Toyota Corolla sedan push start

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Please help

I did master reset Evo-one on 2022 Toyota sedan push start and did key transfer Dcrypter when put 3 times lock my car start but when using Evostart2 app i get green light flashing then orange light come one but Evo-one not get signal car not start.

i just have a question do i need to program evo-one & evostart2 in the car together then return to PC do key transfer Dcrypter, because i did program only Evo-one in the car the return to PC do key transfer after that try 3 times lock it work then program Evostart2 after but doesn't work try do reset Evostar2 & reprogram again still doesn't work.

Evo-one SN: 002B04 248953

Thank you very much.
asked Jul 9 in Toyota by dong huynh (630 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes you must pair the evo start2 and evo one together in the vehicle.

Here is the installation guide for those 2 units:


"i get green light flashing then orange light come one but Evo-one not get signal car not start."

- This means you must perform the validation step on page 13:

Best regards.
answered Jul 9 by derek g (336,040 points)

This means I have to pair Evostart2 & Evo-one together in the vehicle first then return to PC do key transfer Dcryptor. Is it correct?

Thank you.
You should run dcryptor first, once completed return to the vehicle and then pair the 2 units together.

If you get the orange led on the antenna, proceed to perform the validation test outlined above.

Best regards.