Questions & Answers

Evo Start 2 not working with Evo one with T Harness Thar one Maz3

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I recently bought Evo start 2 for my Evo one which I have been using for more than 2 years on my Mazda cx 3 2019 with T harness. At that time I did not choose the app start option while programming the Evo one. Can some please help me where should i be connecting the Yellow wire. Does it goes into the A1. Also none of the other options like door unlock are not working. Do I have to reprogram the Evo one again. I know that the firmware should be atleast 1.21. When i push start from the app the green light on the evo start 2 is turning on but nothing is happening.

I have followed the following steps and it was not working.

Ignition ON - OFF - ON (While holding the brake?)

Press and release brake 4 times

Press and hold the Evo start button until green

Turn OFF Ignition

Thank you for reading any kind of help or suggestions is much appreciated 

asked Dec 27, 2023 in Mazda by Mmk005 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

The yellow wire from the antenna needs to be connected to ignition.

Once that is done re program it. Do not hold the brake while doing ign on-off-on.

Make sure the evo start2 is plugged into the small blue port on the evo-one.

Best regards.
answered Dec 27, 2023 by derek g (359,350 points)
Hello Derek G,

Firstly thank you so much for replying.

I have connected the yellow cable from evo start 2 and the yellow cable thats going into the Evo one T harness which connected to A1 port.

Evo start2 is plugged into the blue port 4 pin.

Next do I have to press the igintion button without holding the brake. This means only the car will turn on but not the engine. Please confirm, thank you.
do not touch the brake when turning on or off the ignition.
Thank you.

I will give it a try. Currently the yellow cable is connected to the yellow cable of 20 pin connector, A1. If this does not work i will tap into the pink cable E5.