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2014 Jeep Wrangler, Evo Chrt5 with T-Harness will not remote start, all light blinking

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I recently installed an Evo CHRT5 with T-Harness into my 2014 Jeep Wrangler (2dr), the remote start functioned properly the first couple times I tried it. Now it will not remote start, when I looked at the unit all three lights were blinking one at a time. I've unhooked everything and went through the reinstall process multiple times but every time I do this it will only function for a few days/remote starts. Then it goes back to cycling through the lights and not remote starting.
posté Jan 26, 2017 dans la catégorie Jeep par Kyle Gray (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?
répondu Jan 26, 2017 par derek g (357,580 points)
Is the service number the barcode number on the back of the unit?
Indeed should start with 001a06xxxxxx
001A06 674182
I would suggest updating the firmware to the newest version and then re programming it and re test it.
How would I upgrade the firmware? Would I need or order another part?
Using the flash link updater2. Do you not have it?
Nope, I bought my kit on so it didn't come with the updater
hhhmmmm do you know of anyone who would let you get acess to one?
I just went ahead and ordered one on Amazon.  I'll download the firmware update software and see if I can't update my CHRT5. Hopefully that works.
Let me kno how you make out, we are here to help!