Questions & Answers

Upgrade from EvoRide to EvoOne

+1 vote
I want to upgrade from teh EvoRide to the EvoOne for added functionality. What i want to know is, does the car need to be rewired? or can i just replace the evo module and reprogram? Are teh wire harness the same or not?
posté Avr 27, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Craig Schoneberg (240 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The evo-one is a remote starter and bypass module in one unit.

The evo ride is just a bypass.

Their are some major differences between the two modules.

You would have to compare the installation guides between the 2 to determine the differences.

The wires may be the same but the connectors are completely different between the 2 modules.
répondu Avr 27, 2016 par derek g (336,040 points)