Questions & Answers

Door Pin FL cable for a 2015 Subaru WRX STI using EVO ALL and CM7000AS

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Service Number: 001A06368710

I have a 6 speed manual and need to hard wire the door pin cable because is not working via can bus. I am using the wire color reference document and for the door pin FL it says "Blue / Orange, Driver kick panel must connect to blue/white, Pin 8.

My questions are:

1- What does it mean to must connect to blue and white? blue and white cable at the EVO all(there is not a cable with blue and white at the evo all) or something else? or that the cable goes from blue/orange to blue/white?

2-Do you have any pictures of this wire or location of the plug for reference since it is not in the wirecolor document?

3- Will I need to connect the dome sensor/supervision for this vehicle?


Thank you for your help like always.

posté Nov 24, 2014 dans la catégorie Subaru par William2 (1,630 points)
modifié Nov 24, 2014 par William2

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
The EVO picks up door status on the the vehicules can-bus. To relay the info to the Compu system you can either to do it by the datalink connection between both units or the wire-to-wire method by connecting the door status out of the EVO to the door status input on the Compu. If you are not familiar with datalink and setting up the 3 different protocols, I'd recommend the wire-to-wire method.
répondu Nov 24, 2014 par Robert T (304,010 points)
élue Nov 24, 2014 par William2
Hello Robert, I have the (green) door status from the EVO right now connected wire to wire to the (input) door status at Compu system but also have the d2d wires connected. When you say the 3 protocols do you mean using the Fortin flashlink manager? or setting the protocol for Fortin on the Compu system? I have the flashlink tool if I need to make any changes. I am using the black datalink plug on the compusystem and the protocols have been set to Fortin. I can wire to wire all if needed, is not a problem to me but need some clarification on my questions above if I need to hard wire. Thank you.

You can use datalink by turning on option F2 - AP / OFA datalink in the EVO and leaving the Compu in ADS protocol.

You can also completely forget about datalink by cutting the blue and white wires in the 4-pin datalink connector. Your call really. Do your tests first in datalink. The wired outputs on the EVO will help you diagnose. Example, the door status output on the EVO will give a ground signal when a door is opened. Ignition needs to be on to test.


Your vehicle is manual, so three things are required in order to enter reservation mode. Tach, door status, and handbrake.

Thank you Robert. I think you just gave me the answer I was looking for.
Excellent. I'm sure you'll be up and running in no time.