Questions & Answers

key port works but only when t harness is unplugged

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2012 a4 w/push to start will not start. fortin inicated the key port has to be functional in order for it to start. but the key port does not work unless the t harness is unplugged. I was unable to get any help from fortin when i called anyone else had this issue and how can i resolve. the install thus far has been easy , simply tapped the brake signal wire and can high and can low. when the evo is connected it does attempt to start the car meaning it flashes each of the three lights but never hear the starter engadge. updated firmware as requested previously by fortin. but when i called today fortin tech was no so eager to assist. said either the evo relays are bad or the t harness is bad. can i help with anything else. I indicated i would like assistance tryin to resolve. so im trying to work through the troubleshooting he offered but now will not answer the phone. any help would be greatly appreciated.
posté Fev 15, 2021 dans la catégorie Audi par nick newcome (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
With the Tharness plugged in, and ONLY the RED connector on the evo plugged in, the car should be able to start with the key port. If it does not, there is a loose contact somewhere. Quick and easy is to replace the harness.

If you would rather test and isolate, follow the NON T-harness installation guide, as a reference, to test the harness. All connections in the wired guide, are what is within the harness.    (keep in mind most resellers would not accept a return of harness that is tampered with, hence, replacing it first is a wiser option)


Asssuming that the car starts fine with everything connected , but, it does not remote start.

1. Check and test the brake connection. All three brake lights should be turning on upon remote start. Assuming that ignition is turning on, no ginition = no brakes = issue is elswhere.

2. RESET and reprogram module.

3. Try secondary CAN-BUs location. Above driver kick panel in a small brownish connector.
--- pic1 location,

--- pic2,
répondu Fev 16, 2021 par Robert T (304,010 points)