Questions & Answers

How to activate heated seats on 2013 Hyundai Santa Fe 2.4 Sport

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Can my Evo one activate my heated seats. Can I wire a programable output to the drivers heated seat to activate it upon remote start?
asked Nov 21, 2015 in Hyundai by jeff purkis (130 points)

1 Answer

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Unfortunately we cannot enable heated seats through data on this vehicle.


The evo-one has an AUX output you can connect to it. This output can only be controlled via aftermarket remotes though and since i am assuming you are using the OEM remote, the AUX would need to be in a Passive state. Meaning, we have an option that will automatically trigger that output when the temperature is below -5 celcius (take a look at option 39 in the EVO-ONE remote starter side options).


The major factor here though, is that i have no information on which wire on the car is the heated seat trigger. It's very possible that it's through data only.
answered Nov 26, 2015 by Robert T2 (299,010 points)
I just purchased the Fortin 642 RF kit. Any tips on how to get this feature to work if heated seats are not triggered through data . Also what wire is the aux output (-)
Evo-one the yellow/black is the auxiliary output. It is a negative output.

You would need to locate the wire that triggers the heated seats and connect to it accordingly.