Questions & Answers

honda fit and evo-one

0 votes
Hello. I put Evo-One on the fit. Sometimes the position lights start flashing. What will be the fault?
asked May 29 in Honda by G M (14,260 points)
reopened May 29 by G M

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer


If the parking lights flash and the vehicle fails to start that is the evo one giving an error code.

Here is the evo-one parking light error code chart.


*please note alarm diagnostics only apply if option 14.2 or 14.3 was enabled.

Best regards.

answered May 29 by derek g (336,040 points)
selected May 29 by G M
Remote engine start works without any problems. When the car owner gets out of the car and closes the door, it lights up for a while and then stops.
Were parking lights connected? If so try disconnecting them and see if the issue persists.
Ok. I'll try if he comes
In general, the car is right-hand drive, from Japan...