Questions & Answers

2015 outlander take over

0 votes
Hello. I installed Evo-Al for 2015 Outlander (PTS) Standalone. After remote start-up, we go in the car, I click 2 times on the Start-Stop button and he writes that he does not see the immobilizer (like this), and the engine turns off when pressing the brake.
asked May 1 in Mitsubishi by G M (14,260 points)
reopened May 1 by G M

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

I see this is a used module, I would suggest performing a master reset on the device ( )

Once that is done, re enable the otpions for the vehicle and then re program and re dcrypt the unit to the vehicle.

Best regards.
answered May 1 by derek g (336,040 points)
selected May 1 by G M
I wanted to try on the Camry, on which, after installing 3 Lock, the standard remote control did not open the doors, moving half a meter from the car. Then, on that ranger (2023), I tried it, also a mistake ... The other day, the car will arrive and I will try the master Reset. Thank you.